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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011
Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
5.1 System Design
Electrical System Design Billing Information can facilitate in the calculation of billing KWH of electricity bills because the data already entered or previously entered first. so, if we want to find customer data or data items can press the button that has provided the data that we need will appear by itself.
Stage - the design phase of this system include:
a. determination Formulas
b. designing DataBase
c. designing interfaces
5.2 Determining the Formula
Before applying the code to the user interface System Information necessary to determine the formula for calculating kwh electricity bills, the formula - a formula that is used as follows:
a. KWH formula → 1 item
usage = Watts * hours of use
KWH = usage / 1000 * 30
b. Formulas KWH → 2 items or more
use of (a) = a * Watts goods usage hours a disposable item
usage (b) = b * Watts goods usage hours disposable goods b
KWH = (a + consumption goods consumption goods b) / 1000 * 30
5.2.1 Calculate Process
a. If KWH ≤ 30 then, pay = KWH * 169
b. If KWH> 30 to ≤ 60 then, pay = (30 * 169) + (KWH - 30 * 360)
c. If KWH> 60 then, pay = (30 * 169) + (30 * 360) + (KWH - 60 * 495)
Cost = power * 11
Total = (pay + expenses) * 1:04
5.2.2 Process Deviation
a. Max power consumption = 400 * / 1000
b. Min power consumption = 180 * / 1000
5.3 Design DataBase
In Designing Database Software required DBMS (Data Base Management System), which is used in the design of applications systems Billing Information Sepatan Electricity in the service area is Oracle.
This database consists of several tables contains a field - the field required in the design of Information Systems.
5.3.1 DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
DFD describes the data flow from the PLN as a source of data providers (input) to consumers PLN as the recipient of the data (output).
1. Context diagram
2.DFD Level 0
1 DFD Level 1 Process 1 Login
DFD Level 1 Proses 3 data processin customers
DFD Level 1 Proses 4 usage calculate
5.3.2 normalization
• Form Unnormal
Is a table consisting of all the fields that will be used in an Electric Billing Information System database
• 1NF
In each slice of the column and each row has a value of data - each.
• 2NF
All fields depending on nomor_pelanggan, because nomor_pelanggan is as key
• 3NF
At this stage of 3NF is eligible to be a relation scheme.
Table structure
a. Customers table
Customers table contains all the objects owned by the Customer
5.3 Designing the interface
In making the user interface writers to use software tools for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Implementation and design looks.
5.3.5 Design Input
Electricity Billing Information System design requires input that serves to incorporate customer data into the Computer System.
5.4 Implementation Results
The results of implementation contained in the Application of Electricity Billing Information System are as follows:
1. When Customer Complaints
DFD Level 1 Proses 4 usage calculate
5.3.2 normalization
• Form Unnormal
Is a table consisting of all the fields that will be used in an Electric Billing Information System database
• 1NF
In each slice of the column and each row has a value of data - each.
• 2NF
All fields depending on nomor_pelanggan, because nomor_pelanggan is as key
• 3NF
At this stage of 3NF is eligible to be a relation scheme.
a. Customers table
Customers table contains all the objects owned by the Customer
5.3 Designing the interface
In making the user interface writers to use software tools for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Implementation and design looks.
5.3.5 Design Input
Electricity Billing Information System design requires input that serves to incorporate customer data into the Computer System.
5.4 Implementation Results
The results of implementation contained in the Application of Electricity Billing Information System are as follows:
1. When Customer Complaints
Minggu, 03 April 2011
1.1 BackgroundElectricity Billing Information System
is one of the services provided by PT. PLN (Persero) to better facilitate the workings of an employee of PT. PLN (Persero) in their daily work, which handles customer account payments in particular.
Information systems or applications that the author made a pre-existing system, but the previous application still manually enter the way it works is if the data such as item data, customer data, which was amended again by us in order to further facilitate the workings of PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Tangerang in serving KWH calculation and payment of electricity bills for maximum results.
1.2 Limitation Problem
This report is only limited to the problem of designing an application using Visual Basic as programming language and Oracle as the database processing system that is used as a tool for calculating billing electricity bills.
1.3 Objectives Job Training
The purpose of the discussion of Electricity Billing Information System, among others:a. To facilitate the entry number of customers in the electricity payment system in PT.PLN (Persero) APJ Tangerang.b. To find out how much minimum and maximum value of KWH used by the customer.
1.4 Job Training Benefits
Work practices that generate electricity Billing Information System Work for the customers of PT. PLN (Persero) Sepatan service area who have a complaint about the calculation of electricity bills. In addition, to facilitate the officers to respond to customer complaints systematically.While the benefits for me are practicing and developing science that has been obtained from the course.
1.5 Time and Place of execution Job Training
Implementation of practical work undertaken by the author at:Time: 2 November to 17 December 2009Place: PT. PLN (Persero) Distribution Business Unit of the Jakarta Raya and Tangerang UPJ Sepatan Jl.Raya Mauk KM 12 - Sepatan Tangerang1.6 Systematics WritingFor ease of discussion in the working report of this practice, systematic writing is divided into 4 (four) chapters consisting of:
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTIONContains about Background Problems, Limitation of Issues, Objectives Work Practice, Research Methods, Time and Place of the implementation of practical work and Systematics Job Training Reporting this.
CHAPTER II COMPANY PROFILEIn this chapter informs about the history of PLN Sepatan, Background brief history of the authors carry out practical work and compile the results of his studies for a month.
CHAPTER III LITERATURE REVIEWContains about Company Profile, Company History, Company Logo, Shapes and Body Corporate Law, Organizational Structure and Job Descriptions of the Company and Platform Theory.
CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY WORKING PRACTICESThis chapter describes the practical framework of thinking and explaining each stage is done with the author.
CHAPTER V DISCUSSIONContains about design analysis, formulas, Context Diagram, Normalization, relation scheme, Design ER Diagram, Structure Chart and Implementation Results
CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONContains about some of the conclusions obtained from the results discussed earlier chapters, as well as suggestions that can be done during the Job Training.
2.1 Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Basic Concept of System
Definition of the system viewed from the approach on the components / elements, namely: System is a collection of elements that interact to achieve a certain goal.
Systems approach to the elements / components will be easier in studying the system for the purpose of analysis and design of a system. To analyze and plan a system, must first understand the kimponen / elements / subsystems of the system.
2.1.2 Basic Concepts of Information
Definition of information, namely: Information is data that is processed into a form more useful and more meaningful to receive it. The quality of an information measure of the accuracy, relevance and timely.
2.1.3 Basic Concepts of Information Systems
System Information is: A system that manages the data into an information. Information systems applied to an organization to support the availability of information for all levels of management called management information systems.
Management Information System are: collection of human and capital resources in an organization responsible for collecting and processing data to generate useful information for all levels of management in planning and control activities.
So the Information System are:
• A collection of interaction systems - information systems
• Generate useful information for all levels of management.
2.2 System ModelingThe main purpose modeling system that is:1. Understanding the behavior of the system that is designed with more detail2. By modeling the system can be clearly known picture of the system, so it can be used to describe the way the system3. To determine the need for an outline of the system or as preparation for the conceptual stages of design software
2.2.2 DFD (Data Flow Diagram)DFD is one component in a series of manufacturing design a computerized system. DFD describes the data flow from source data providers (input) to the receiver data (output). The flow of data that needs to know that the creator knows exactly when a system of data must be stored, when to be addressed (process), and when to be distributed to other parts.Components of DFDDFD components consist of:
Terminator Process Data Flow Data Storage (data store)Symbol 3.1 Components of DFD(1). TerminatorTerminator can also be called 'Unity State,' which is a unit of work / occupation, or the like which are outside the system, but contributes on the giving or receiving data from the system directly. Terminator can also be called the 'Giver of Data Sources (inputs),' or 'Destination Giving Data (output). "Data giver and receiver of data in question is the very close and have a direct relationship with the system. As for outsiders dealing with other outside parties should not be depicted.(2). ProcessThe process is an action to be taken against incoming data. Because the process is action, then the process contains a verb, given process identification (number) in order to facilitate sequence diagram details(3). Data FlowThe flow of data describing the data that flows from the terminator to the process or from process to other processes. The data carried by the flow of data must be mentioned and placed above the symbol and the data flow when the flow of data drawn length, preferably close to the writing of data symbols dart. The data occupies the data flow can be either a single data element or collection of data elements. Suppose, on the set of data elements: 'Exam Answers', can be written in full with the mention of each data element in there, namely: 'Answer Sheet', and 'Script Problem'.(4). Data storage (Store Data)Data to be stored need to be placed into a single data storage. The data stored can be either manual data as well as digital data. For digital data, storing such data will eventually be used as a data file on the computer. The flow of data that the dart toward the data storage, its activity is' to write / record "data, so that the contents of data files will be changed by it. While the data flow of the dart toward the process of data storage, its activities are 'read' the data, so that the contents of data files will not change it.LEVELISASI DFDDFD is described in a graduated, from a global level in a row to a very detailed level. Global level (general) called 'Context Diagram "or" Context Diagram ". This includes level 0.Furthermore, the context diagram, the process is described in more detail in the 'Diagram Zero' or 'Zero Diagram.' This is called level 1. At zero diagram is developed only processes and data flow that connects its processes, while the number of terminators and the flow of data into or out of the terminator, remains. When, still perceived need to specify the next process, then the diagram hereafter referred to as 'Diagram Details' or 'primitive diagram.' This is called a level 2. In a detailed diagram, drawn quite a process (what number) that need didetilkan course, other than that (other processes, or terminatornya) need not be described. If still more didetilkan again, then level 3, and so on can be made.
3.2.2 Data Modeling ERER diagram is a diagram used to describe a conceptual model of the database direprensentasikan with the entity relationship between the entity or relationship.
Entity (Entities) and Entity setsEntity can be a person, place, event or concept of the real world (real world) that the information recorded. Entity or an entity set is a collection of similar objects whose existence can be uniquely distinguished from other objects and which will be stored or recorded.
3.2 Entity Symbol2. RelationRelation describes a relationship that occurs between a single entity with other entities.
3.3 Relation Symbols3. AttributeAttributes are elements or elements that exist within an entity or a bias referred to as data elements, data fields and data items.
3.4 Symbol Attributes4. Data Value (value or data content)Value data is actual data or information stored on each element or attribute.5. RecordRecord is a collection of interrelated elements that inform a entoty complete. A record represents an information about a person, object, and others.6. FileFile is a collection of records that have a similar length of the same elements, the same attributes but different data valuenya.7. Key AttributesKey attribute is an element that is essential to distinguish the entity-entity and relation. Key attributes also represent the attributes or other elements in the entity and must be unique.
3.5 Symbol Key Attributes8. Primary Key (Key)Primary Key is an attribute or a minimal set of attributes that not only identifies the occurrences of an entity.9. Foreign Key (Key Guest)Foreign Key is an attribute or a set of attributes that complement a relationship or a relationship that points to its parent.10. Relation CardinalityRelation cardinality is the possibility of a relationship or relationships between entities. The purpose of kerdinalitas is an existing entity can be incorporated or dientegrasiakn in a database.Cardinality of existing possibilities are as follows:1. Cardinality One to OneThis occurs when the cardinality of the elements that exist in an entity has only one relation or connection to another entity.
Symbol 3.6 Cardinality One to One2. Cardinality One to ManyThis occurs when the cardinality of the elements that exist in an entity mempunayai relation or connection to many other entities
Symbol 3.7 Cardinality One to Many3. Cardinality of Many to ManyThis occurs when the cardinality of many elements that exist in one entity has a relation or connection to the many elements on the other entity.
Symbol 3.8 Cardinality One to Many
2.3 NormalizationA technique for organizing data into tables to meet the needs of users within an organization.
2.4 Visual Basic 6.0Visual Basic is a popular programming language. Possesses many advantages, the most notable is the ease of use. It was the language of the 'easy' and the fun we can create whatever we need. Admittedly, when compared with the C + +, Visual Basic is still lagging behind in some respects.Strength in the field of Visual Basic 6.0 Database, now further enhanced with the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), DAO (Data Access Object), ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) and RDO (Remote Data Object). Thus we set the bias in the application database easy and fun. Starting from the desktop, client server until the database is able to reach across the country via the Internet. And of course the Internet is also more developed areas.Visual Basic programming language including high-level category (high-level programming language) which is the development of the DOS version called BASIC. BASIC stands for Beginer's Allpurpose Intriction Symbolic Code. The language is fairly easy to learn. These codes are used similar to the English language in general. BASIC language was developed by several companies of software developers, so many emerging variants of BASIC, such as Microsoft QBASIC, QuickBASIC, GWBASIC, IBM BASICA and others.Visual Basic is a version of "visual" of the BASIC language. In BASIC, programming is done only at the text-based environment (text-base) and executed sequentially. With Visual Basic, programming is done in the environment graph (graphical-environment). In use, the programmer simply do a "double-click" on a particular object and every object can be idependen program so that it can respond to commands written.
2.5 Oracle 8.iOracle is a relational database or RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) which is very popular and is now widely used by companies large-scale International. Oracle reliability in doing data processing and maintenance is no doubt among practitioners who are wrestling in the world of programming databse. In addition, Oracle has a high security system so that the data can be well preserved. Those are some factors that led to Oracle's many choice and more prominent when compared to other RDBMS.
3.1 Thought Flow Framework
2. introduction KP
3.studying scope KP
-deternmination formulas
-database design
-interface desin
1.1 BackgroundElectricity Billing Information System
is one of the services provided by PT. PLN (Persero) to better facilitate the workings of an employee of PT. PLN (Persero) in their daily work, which handles customer account payments in particular.
Information systems or applications that the author made a pre-existing system, but the previous application still manually enter the way it works is if the data such as item data, customer data, which was amended again by us in order to further facilitate the workings of PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Tangerang in serving KWH calculation and payment of electricity bills for maximum results.
1.2 Limitation Problem
This report is only limited to the problem of designing an application using Visual Basic as programming language and Oracle as the database processing system that is used as a tool for calculating billing electricity bills.
1.3 Objectives Job Training
The purpose of the discussion of Electricity Billing Information System, among others:a. To facilitate the entry number of customers in the electricity payment system in PT.PLN (Persero) APJ Tangerang.b. To find out how much minimum and maximum value of KWH used by the customer.
1.4 Job Training Benefits
Work practices that generate electricity Billing Information System Work for the customers of PT. PLN (Persero) Sepatan service area who have a complaint about the calculation of electricity bills. In addition, to facilitate the officers to respond to customer complaints systematically.While the benefits for me are practicing and developing science that has been obtained from the course.
1.5 Time and Place of execution Job Training
Implementation of practical work undertaken by the author at:Time: 2 November to 17 December 2009Place: PT. PLN (Persero) Distribution Business Unit of the Jakarta Raya and Tangerang UPJ Sepatan Jl.Raya Mauk KM 12 - Sepatan Tangerang1.6 Systematics WritingFor ease of discussion in the working report of this practice, systematic writing is divided into 4 (four) chapters consisting of:
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTIONContains about Background Problems, Limitation of Issues, Objectives Work Practice, Research Methods, Time and Place of the implementation of practical work and Systematics Job Training Reporting this.
CHAPTER II COMPANY PROFILEIn this chapter informs about the history of PLN Sepatan, Background brief history of the authors carry out practical work and compile the results of his studies for a month.
CHAPTER III LITERATURE REVIEWContains about Company Profile, Company History, Company Logo, Shapes and Body Corporate Law, Organizational Structure and Job Descriptions of the Company and Platform Theory.
CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY WORKING PRACTICESThis chapter describes the practical framework of thinking and explaining each stage is done with the author.
CHAPTER V DISCUSSIONContains about design analysis, formulas, Context Diagram, Normalization, relation scheme, Design ER Diagram, Structure Chart and Implementation Results
CHAPTER VI CONCLUSIONContains about some of the conclusions obtained from the results discussed earlier chapters, as well as suggestions that can be done during the Job Training.
2.1 Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Basic Concept of System
Definition of the system viewed from the approach on the components / elements, namely: System is a collection of elements that interact to achieve a certain goal.
Systems approach to the elements / components will be easier in studying the system for the purpose of analysis and design of a system. To analyze and plan a system, must first understand the kimponen / elements / subsystems of the system.
2.1.2 Basic Concepts of Information
Definition of information, namely: Information is data that is processed into a form more useful and more meaningful to receive it. The quality of an information measure of the accuracy, relevance and timely.
2.1.3 Basic Concepts of Information Systems
System Information is: A system that manages the data into an information. Information systems applied to an organization to support the availability of information for all levels of management called management information systems.
Management Information System are: collection of human and capital resources in an organization responsible for collecting and processing data to generate useful information for all levels of management in planning and control activities.
So the Information System are:
• A collection of interaction systems - information systems
• Generate useful information for all levels of management.
2.2 System ModelingThe main purpose modeling system that is:1. Understanding the behavior of the system that is designed with more detail2. By modeling the system can be clearly known picture of the system, so it can be used to describe the way the system3. To determine the need for an outline of the system or as preparation for the conceptual stages of design software
2.2.2 DFD (Data Flow Diagram)DFD is one component in a series of manufacturing design a computerized system. DFD describes the data flow from source data providers (input) to the receiver data (output). The flow of data that needs to know that the creator knows exactly when a system of data must be stored, when to be addressed (process), and when to be distributed to other parts.Components of DFDDFD components consist of:
Terminator Process Data Flow Data Storage (data store)Symbol 3.1 Components of DFD(1). TerminatorTerminator can also be called 'Unity State,' which is a unit of work / occupation, or the like which are outside the system, but contributes on the giving or receiving data from the system directly. Terminator can also be called the 'Giver of Data Sources (inputs),' or 'Destination Giving Data (output). "Data giver and receiver of data in question is the very close and have a direct relationship with the system. As for outsiders dealing with other outside parties should not be depicted.(2). ProcessThe process is an action to be taken against incoming data. Because the process is action, then the process contains a verb, given process identification (number) in order to facilitate sequence diagram details(3). Data FlowThe flow of data describing the data that flows from the terminator to the process or from process to other processes. The data carried by the flow of data must be mentioned and placed above the symbol and the data flow when the flow of data drawn length, preferably close to the writing of data symbols dart. The data occupies the data flow can be either a single data element or collection of data elements. Suppose, on the set of data elements: 'Exam Answers', can be written in full with the mention of each data element in there, namely: 'Answer Sheet', and 'Script Problem'.(4). Data storage (Store Data)Data to be stored need to be placed into a single data storage. The data stored can be either manual data as well as digital data. For digital data, storing such data will eventually be used as a data file on the computer. The flow of data that the dart toward the data storage, its activity is' to write / record "data, so that the contents of data files will be changed by it. While the data flow of the dart toward the process of data storage, its activities are 'read' the data, so that the contents of data files will not change it.LEVELISASI DFDDFD is described in a graduated, from a global level in a row to a very detailed level. Global level (general) called 'Context Diagram "or" Context Diagram ". This includes level 0.Furthermore, the context diagram, the process is described in more detail in the 'Diagram Zero' or 'Zero Diagram.' This is called level 1. At zero diagram is developed only processes and data flow that connects its processes, while the number of terminators and the flow of data into or out of the terminator, remains. When, still perceived need to specify the next process, then the diagram hereafter referred to as 'Diagram Details' or 'primitive diagram.' This is called a level 2. In a detailed diagram, drawn quite a process (what number) that need didetilkan course, other than that (other processes, or terminatornya) need not be described. If still more didetilkan again, then level 3, and so on can be made.
3.2.2 Data Modeling ERER diagram is a diagram used to describe a conceptual model of the database direprensentasikan with the entity relationship between the entity or relationship.
Entity (Entities) and Entity setsEntity can be a person, place, event or concept of the real world (real world) that the information recorded. Entity or an entity set is a collection of similar objects whose existence can be uniquely distinguished from other objects and which will be stored or recorded.
3.2 Entity Symbol2. RelationRelation describes a relationship that occurs between a single entity with other entities.
3.3 Relation Symbols3. AttributeAttributes are elements or elements that exist within an entity or a bias referred to as data elements, data fields and data items.
3.4 Symbol Attributes4. Data Value (value or data content)Value data is actual data or information stored on each element or attribute.5. RecordRecord is a collection of interrelated elements that inform a entoty complete. A record represents an information about a person, object, and others.6. FileFile is a collection of records that have a similar length of the same elements, the same attributes but different data valuenya.7. Key AttributesKey attribute is an element that is essential to distinguish the entity-entity and relation. Key attributes also represent the attributes or other elements in the entity and must be unique.
3.5 Symbol Key Attributes8. Primary Key (Key)Primary Key is an attribute or a minimal set of attributes that not only identifies the occurrences of an entity.9. Foreign Key (Key Guest)Foreign Key is an attribute or a set of attributes that complement a relationship or a relationship that points to its parent.10. Relation CardinalityRelation cardinality is the possibility of a relationship or relationships between entities. The purpose of kerdinalitas is an existing entity can be incorporated or dientegrasiakn in a database.Cardinality of existing possibilities are as follows:1. Cardinality One to OneThis occurs when the cardinality of the elements that exist in an entity has only one relation or connection to another entity.
Symbol 3.6 Cardinality One to One2. Cardinality One to ManyThis occurs when the cardinality of the elements that exist in an entity mempunayai relation or connection to many other entities
Symbol 3.7 Cardinality One to Many3. Cardinality of Many to ManyThis occurs when the cardinality of many elements that exist in one entity has a relation or connection to the many elements on the other entity.
Symbol 3.8 Cardinality One to Many
2.3 NormalizationA technique for organizing data into tables to meet the needs of users within an organization.
2.4 Visual Basic 6.0Visual Basic is a popular programming language. Possesses many advantages, the most notable is the ease of use. It was the language of the 'easy' and the fun we can create whatever we need. Admittedly, when compared with the C + +, Visual Basic is still lagging behind in some respects.Strength in the field of Visual Basic 6.0 Database, now further enhanced with the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), DAO (Data Access Object), ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) and RDO (Remote Data Object). Thus we set the bias in the application database easy and fun. Starting from the desktop, client server until the database is able to reach across the country via the Internet. And of course the Internet is also more developed areas.Visual Basic programming language including high-level category (high-level programming language) which is the development of the DOS version called BASIC. BASIC stands for Beginer's Allpurpose Intriction Symbolic Code. The language is fairly easy to learn. These codes are used similar to the English language in general. BASIC language was developed by several companies of software developers, so many emerging variants of BASIC, such as Microsoft QBASIC, QuickBASIC, GWBASIC, IBM BASICA and others.Visual Basic is a version of "visual" of the BASIC language. In BASIC, programming is done only at the text-based environment (text-base) and executed sequentially. With Visual Basic, programming is done in the environment graph (graphical-environment). In use, the programmer simply do a "double-click" on a particular object and every object can be idependen program so that it can respond to commands written.
2.5 Oracle 8.iOracle is a relational database or RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) which is very popular and is now widely used by companies large-scale International. Oracle reliability in doing data processing and maintenance is no doubt among practitioners who are wrestling in the world of programming databse. In addition, Oracle has a high security system so that the data can be well preserved. Those are some factors that led to Oracle's many choice and more prominent when compared to other RDBMS.
3.1 Thought Flow Framework
2. introduction KP
3.studying scope KP
-deternmination formulas
-database design
-interface desin
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Bangun bisnis global Anda. Pasang iklan dalam berbagai bahasa menggunakan Google Peluang Pasar Global.
Jangkau pengunjung internasional.Tambahkan takarir yang sudah diterjemahkan ke video YouTube Anda.
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
As an example of the type edutainment software, namely an educational software that is entertainment. software is intended for children so hopefully the process of studying a material can be fun. Unfortunately when choosing this edutainment software, often the focus is more directed than the quality of the graphics or sound educational values behind the use of the device lynak. pertimabangan edukasinya value is not just learning the material presented, but more than that, those things that educate formed due to the use of software in the classroom.
Values in education are more often forgotten when considering the use of educational institutions of open source software or proprietary. consideration of educational value that makes the educational institutions abroad, instead of taking such devices are already ready to use edutainment (system and material), choose to use your device Squeakataupun Sophie lunakopen source such as a multimedia environment for children's learning. Teachers with proteges building edutainment software.
Knowledge and educational aspects in a very difficult ataslah obtained using the software propeitary in education. so that for basic education, then the choice of the use of open source software seems to have pointed in the right direction. It was originally like a hassle, but in teaching and learning, where there is no hassle. Pengguanaan open source will provide added value to the educational process, both for educators and for students. not to mention including the teaching of intellectual property rights from the beginning. One thing that is overlooked in basic education in Indonesia.
quoted from opinion of I Made Wiryana
Until now, STT-PLN using various open source such as Ubuntu, Fedora and others. mainly used in the laboratory network.
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